Year 2: Post 29: A New Normal

Hey Queendalers! If you guessed “sleeping bag”, you got it! So this week was a slow one. With all the seniors worrying about graduation and getting all their credits, there is no trouble for drama. Well, for the most part.

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So, Track season has come to a close. That said, Paul has still been practicing his skills, including soccer and basketball.  I spotted him practicing with Emily at the park Thursday afternoon.

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Let me tell you, she was not so bad herself! She put up a good game, kicking the ball with all her might into the net. Even with all Paul’s training, she gave him quite a workout.

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Still, she was no match for Paul and his superb goalie skills. He blocked every single one of Emilie’s balls despite her powerful force of kicks. Somehow, I think he will do just fine at either Bridgeport University or Alfred State with soccer.

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Unfortunately, it started to rain forty minutes later, ruining their fun. And it was coming down pretty hard. The two of them both then packed up their things and headed out. I however, would have stuck around if I was them. There is nothing like playing soccer in the rain. I love it! Sure, you might slip and slide along the mud, but that’s more of the fun!

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Emilie and Paul weren’t the only ones having fun this week. I spotted Evanglina and Ricky driving along this weekend together. It would seem that Evanglina has finally managed to get her permit and is working with Ricky to get her license! Better now than never! I’m sure you are wondering how she has been doing since the whole fiasco last weekend.

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Well, Evanglina is now back at school and seems to be doing better. She still has some scars on her neck and face left from Jake’s abuse, but other than that, she seems to be okay. She does seem a little quieter and more guarded than usual, but who can blame her? I can’t imagine dealing with what she has had to deal with for the past two years or more! At least there is now a bit of happiness for her.

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I also saw her at the park again, strumming on her guitar along with Maria. The two of them are really on about this starting a band thing. They have even given themselves a name, “Evarie,” by putting their names together. And trust me, they are not bad. Their performance at the Prom has sparked a lot of attention and from what I’ve heard, someone has posted a video of it online on “Youbook”, the social media Queendale teens are addicted to. The video has almost 250,000 views which is pretty good for Queendale and the state. These girls might be going places!

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After playing in the park for a while, Maria followed Evanglina back to the Emerson house, where they met up with Kara and Emilie for a total ladies’ night! It looked like tons of fun, with them all seated in the family room chatting about everything from school to boys.

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Although, I was a bit surprised to see they were watching the FearNet station. Funny, they didn’t even seem that scared. I would have been terrified out of my mind! They show the creepiest movies on there, but there were the four of them laughing while watching! Crazy!

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The night then ended with a nice soak in the hot tub out back in the Emerson’s backyard. All four of them were laughing and seeming to be having a good time. Even Evanglina seemed to be enjoying herself.

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With all the conversations, it was obvious that they were all trying hard not to ask what happened between Evanglina and Jake. Still, you could tell they all desperately wanted to ask.

Instead, they focused on Emilie and Maria.

“So, how are things going with you and Claude, Em?” Kara asked.

Emilie laughed. “Well, I would say as well as you and my brother.”

Maria groaned. “Ugh. I totally forgot about that little detail.”

Emilie smiled and shrugged. “Hey, it’s okay with me. As long as you treat him right.”

“But of course! You know how much I love him.”

Emilie raised her hand. “Okay, now it’s getting weird.”

All three of them then laughed.

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“So how are you and Adam?” Emilie asked Maria. “Have you two talked since Prom?”

Maria shook her head. “I just can’t talk to him right now. I feel like my emotions are all over the place. On one side, I am still so angry that I can’t even think straight and then on the other side, I just miss him so much.”

Kara nodded. “Understandable. This whole situation with you two is just so messed up. I’m sorry.”

“Me too. I just hope I will figure things out soon.”

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“So, Evanglina,” Emilie looked at her carefully. “How are you, um, doing?”

It was quiet for a few minutes and then Evanglina sighed.

“Well, I’m doing better. I just wish I didn’t feel so guilty about…leaving.”

“Don’t Eva,” Kara said shaking her head. “You had to leave. You couldn’t stay in an environment like that. It was bad for you. I mean, look what Jake did to you!”

Evanglina nodded. “I know, but my mom looked so hurt when I left. I guess…I just have never seen her like that before.”

“Your mom is hurt now, but she caused this. She shouldn’t have let Jake do all that to you. I think right now you need to focus on you.”

Both Emilie and Maria agree.

Evanglina smiled. “I guess I’m outnumbered.” She then lay back upon the tub wall and seemed to relax.

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After soaking, they started to head inside, but then Evanglina said she had a spooky story to tell. They all then gathered on the ground and she began telling them a ghost story. As she told the story, they all got so into it, that they started jerking and pulling away as if Evanglina was the one doing all the killing in the story!

Finally, she ended it with the final line, “So every time the moon is full and is a shade of blue, fear that the mystical moonlight just may affect you.”

Maria laughed and gave Evanglina a smile. “If we weren’t into the music scene you definitely would get money for your storytelling.”

Kara laughed as well. “On that note, let’s go to bed.”

The four of them then headed inside. It is amazing how so much has changed, but the four of them have still managed to be good friends. Go figure.

Well, that it is for now. Tune in next week for more drama!

More soon!





(Code Clue: Upon it I see numbered days of the week, reminders of events and people to meet)



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