Post 13: Holiday Blog

Christmas has finally come and gone and this reporter was a bit tied up to really say much about it. Hey, even Lexie has to have a vacation. That said, I did catch a couple families enjoying the festivites, especially the Nelsons.


After the excitement of milk, cookies, and present opening, I spotted the Nelsons having a fun snow day. Oh yes Queendale did manage to get a lovely snowfall the night before. Emilie and her mother Marian, seemed to be having a blast building a snowman (no pun intended). They were both laughing and smiling as they rolled the snow to form the round bottom, middle and top of the snowman. It was very nicely done, although the snowman strangely looked more like it was slouching.


They spent a lot time together before Brian Nelson came out. It then became a Brian and Marian lovefest. Not that I am complaining. Like I said before, they are the cutest couple I have ever seen. Well, apart from Fredrick and Juanita Henderson.


Emilie then took her leave and started making snow Angels in the snow. Man, it has been years since I have done that. She looked like she was having a blast.


Paul on the other hand, was watching them all from his and Emilie’s old swing set. He had a big smile on his face, and seemed deep in his thoughts. It’s nice to see him like that. It makes you forget that he is one of Adam’s best friends, the Queendale high most athletic guy, and Angel’s boyfriend. That last one always gets me. But then again, I did hear around that Paul has liked Angel for the past year; what he sees in her, I will never understand.


To finish off the night, the Hendersons came to visit and then teamed up with the Nelsons to go caroling! And may I say, their voices were amazing. But by the time they got back, even I could tell that they were all sung out. Still, a wonderful night for them.


I have to say, the season really does something to you. I especially love the way the city looks at night. With the peaceful snow and the dim neon lights, it really makes it feel like Christmas. Well, Merry Christmas to all and happy holidays!




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